Hyun-Jeong Jeon, 2024

Story time and video at Rauma Library for school classes on 15.10. and 5.11. and for the public on 22.10. at 17.00-18.00 Rauma Main Library, Alfredinkatu 1.

Book illustrations of One Berry in the Kuninkaankatu 8 window 4.10.-17.11.2024.
Book illustrations of Night Show of Migratory Birds at the Rauma City Library, Alfredinkatu 1, 9.10.–30.11.2024.

Residency: September-November
Hyun-Jeong Jeon (KR)

Through her books, she expresses her interest in the environment and its variety of species. In 2017, she was selected as a member of the Antarctic Expedition team and visited the Korean scientific research station and the Antarctic Protected Area. This experience gave rise to the book  Night show of Migratory Birds , jBirds which reflects on climate change. She say, during our existence on Earth, we all come into contact with other living beings and affect each other. If one species disappears, other species that are connected to it disappear. And, finally, in a chain reaction, humans will also be affected.

The story One Berry  talks about diversity of life and losing the diversity. Hyun-Jeong Jeon wrote it with a motif from an article on possible extinction of bananas. It conveys a message where human’s self-centeredness in wishing to eat only what is tasty leads to selection and mass production of a single species. The species would soon lose its inherent immunity and end up becoming extinct. Read the whole story here.

She studied architecture at university and has designed buildings for an architectural design firm. Although her background is in architecture, writing has been an important expressive tool for her career since she was young. After leaving the firm, she wrote various types of texts, such as travel articles, columns on traditional Korean architecture, and scripts for dramas. After becoming a mother, she fell in love with children’s books and began writing her own stories. She made her debut as a writer in 2013 and won the 19th Golden Goblin Award for ‘Cheer Up! Eun Chan’.

She has more than 20books so far.