Suvi Nurmi, 2021

Penkkilenkki-outdoors event on Friday 8.10 at 13.00-15.00 o'clock and poetry workshops for groups available for reservation on Wednesday 13.10 and Thursday 14.10.2021. 

Residency: October
Suvi Nurmi (FI)

Organized by Cultural and Senior services for the elderly by the city of Rauma, PenkkilenkkiOutdoor event combines the joy of movement and different cultural experiences. Walking down the path you will find benches and on them are different event related content, for example dance, text art and movement practices, conversations and information strikes. Length of the path is around 3 kilometers and it is possible to go through it with a wheelchair. Participating in at least five benches, you are provided with a coffee and a tasty bun. The map of the route will be posted in the early days of October. The event is part of a national "Take an elder person outside" -campaign. Volunteers from Siskot ja Simot and Kultturkambraatit are helping the elder people that can't join by themselves. For more information, Rauma elderly services /Tanja Hakulinen, phone 044 403 6332.

Suvi Nurmi has written Kalevala metre spells as a part of her artistic work. On the Poetrybench one can hope for thoughtfully written and spoken words with unbelievable powers. Spells call forth or banish something. Popular topics, for example, have been banishing too tight schedules, calling forth true love and getting rid of problems of ageing.

Nurmi directs six site-spesific low-threshold poetry workshop, where the attendees can create their own poems. Poetry will be created from local words collected in advance. The workshop is conducted on terms of the participants and is also well suited for people with memory problems. Workshop lasts for one hour on a non-stop principle. Reservations by 4.10., cultural services/Sanni Tuuppa, phone 044 793 3527 or sanni . tuuppa @ rauma . fi

Having enjoyed the residency before, the author, visual artist and publisher Suvi Nurmi had the opportunity to work at Rauma again. First book of her Routala -realityfantasy series of books aimed at pre-teens, Unissamatkaaja (Sleepwalker), was published in 2021. Currently she is working on the fourth and final part which she began working on during her RaumArs residency in the summer of 2020. A lot of work has been poured into writing and publishing but also performing during the Culture weeks for the seniors. In progress there is also a cooperative art piece with another residence quest, dancer Lotta Halinen. Nurmi says how October for her is the most inspiring time to write and the idyllic scenery of Old Rauma has proved to be the perfect location. Through the residency windows one can follow trees changing color and preparing for winter, listen the wind howl and raindrops dancing on the roof.